Pain Management

Although once somewhat overlooked in veterinary medicine, in recent years pain management research has moved to the forefront of veterinary medicine. Pain awareness and new therapies now play prominent roles in reducing healing time from surgery and injuries, as well as improving the overall quality of life for your pet.

At Landisville Animal Hospital, we take great pride in our pain management techniques and protocols, and we offer a number of unique services. When performing surgeries, we attempt to not only alleviate post-operative pain, but to stop the pain process from even beginning. We use local anesthesia when applicable, and we begin our administration of pain controlling medications before a procedure even starts.

Our nurses have had extensive training in detecting and assessing pain during recovery from procedures, which allows optimal control of post-operative pain as well. We also have a wide variety of pain-controlling medications in our pharmacy that we can tailor to the individual needs of your pet. When you visit, please ask us how we can form a treatment plan that will most effectively treat the acute, surgical, or chronic pain of your pet.

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