Hospital Tour

Landisville Animal Hospital Exterior

Welcome to Landisville Animal Hospital! Take a quick tour of our facility. . .


Reception Area

The reception area is the first stop. It is a major point of communication between the client and the doctors. Our friendly and knowledgeable receptionists can also help to answer questions the client may have regarding our prescription food products, heartworm and flea preventative products.


Exam Rooms

Our hospital has four exam rooms, where physical examinations, vaccinations, and consultations are carried out with the doctors.

Lab and Pharmacy

Some of the tests run in our clinic’s lab include fecal exams for worm eggs, complete blood cell counts, urinalysis, serum biochemistries (to screen for kidney, liver, pancreas function, diabetes, etc), and cytology(microscopic examination of cells). We also maintain a fully stocked pharmacy within our walls, with an advanced CUBEX inventory management system.

Surgical Prep Area

This is where we prepare your pets for surgery. We use isoflurane inhalant anesthesia, electrocardiographic, doppler-blood pressure monitoring and pulse/oximetry monitoring. We feature state of the art anesthetics in an attempt to accommodate all types of anesthetic risks from the young animal with normal risk to high risk patients with severe disease. Blood testing is just a few steps away in the lab area to help reduce anesthetic risk even further. We also offer a pain management program for all animals undergoing surgical procedures.

Surgical Prep Area at Landisville Animal Hospital

Surgery Suite

Patients are well monitored in our modern surgery suite. Animals are premedicated, then intubated for maintenance with the gas isoflorane. Monitoring equipment for our patients include:

  • Pulse oximetry – To monitor blood oxygen saturation.
  • Doppler – To monitor blood pressure.
  • EKG – To monitor heart rhythm.

Post operatively, the animals are closely monitored until they are up, awake, and have normal body temperatures. Appropriate pain medication is utilized for all needy patients.

Pet Surgery at Landisville Animal Hospital

Dentistry Suite

Dentistry, from routine cleaning to complex extractions, is performed with an ultrasonic scaler and then polished. Digital radiographs are recommended to examine the roots for painful disease that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Sadly, too many animals suffer in silence. Diseased teeth are carefully extracted. The patient is sent home with pain medication as needed.

Radiology (Digital X-ray) Suite

Radiology services are available for all pets. Special diagnostic procedures such as video endoscopy, gastrointestinal barium series, ultrasonography and other special dye studies are also available. Digital radiographs will allow us to see the outlines of various internal organs. It is also superior to image bones.

Otoscopy and Ultrasound Suite

Not only do we perform standard radiography (x-rays), we also perform advanced diagnostic imaging. State of the art equipment include:

  • Video Otoscopy – To view ear drums.
  • Video Endoscopy – To view the inside of the intestinal tract.
  • Abdominal Ultrasound
  • Ultrasonography - To view at the internal architecture of internal organs, not just its silhouette.

Otoscopy at Landisville Animal Hospital

Call Us to Schedule Your Pet's Appointment:
